The MVP isn't dead, you're just doing it wrong


To launch an MVP correctly you need to focus on the users.

How the MVP came to be

Building an MVP will let you get the product to the users quicker than the tradiditonal waterfall process

Building an MVP (the lower example) will let you get the product to the users quicker for feeback. For a product to actually be viable, it needs to be usable!

Why aren’t everyone doing it

1. Wrong approach
2. Organizational realities

One of the common reason MVP projects in large organizations fail is that the organzation isn't ready for a new way of working. Not only do they forget to involve/focus on the users, but the MVP can't be done because it is being built in a waterfall organization. Because of this you need a clear enforcement from the top. Then you start building it from the bottom up. Involving people from different parts of the organization to ensure buy-in.

Designing it right – Delightful Minimum Viable Product


If you look at image to the right you see the common mistake companies do when building an MVP. They try to fit in as many functionalities as possible and ignore the usability and the differentiation. MLP to the right.


Johan Heikensten, Design Director & Strategy Consultant from Sweden

Johan Heikensten,
Design Lead & Strategy Consultant from Sweden

Johan Heikensten, Design Lead & Strategy Consultant from Sweden